Why You Need To Be A SafetySmart Mum
According to a poem on dgreetings.com, “A mother is one who understands the things you say, and do. Who always overlooks your faults and sees the best in you, one whose special love inspires you day by day, and fills your heart with gladness in her warm and thoughtful ways”. This poem tried in its own best way to do an excellent job in describing the good qualities a great mum should exhibit. However, with all these good qualities, if a mum isn’t safety smart, her desire to keep her child safe, and prevent her child from being hurt might be thwarted once in a while. Being a safety smart mum helps you to relieve yourself of some worries, stress and fears as you would have equipped your child with safety skills that would help them stay safe, free from hurts and other dangers in different situations they might encounter them.
It is well known that mums are already naturally equipped with some “safety” skills for the protection of their child. However, these skills are not enough to ensure and guarantee the all-round protection of your child. For example, a mum with an unresponsive child, but doesn’t know how to carry out CPR, will continue to wish, pray and scream for help and won’t be able to do anything to save her child. In as much as she would like to do all she can to save her child, her CPR deficiency will however deprive her of that wish. Hence, it is pertinent that in this time and age, and no matter the clime you find yourself as a mum, to ensure you do all you can to equip yourself with as many safety skills as you can so as to avoid “stories that touch”.
The ever increasing number of safety related issues that is recorded daily in our homes, schools, and other places you find children would be reduced to a very minimal rate if mums acquire safety skills and pass unto these safety skills to their kids/children.
When kids are taught skills from the home, it takes little or no effort for them to exhibit these skills wherever they find themselves. In-cooperating safety into all daily conversations you have with your child helps/goes a long way in molding them into safety committed and smart kids, and eventually individuals who would influence their home, school, environment, community, country, continent and the world as a whole positively. Issues of bullying, active gun shooting, horseplay, sexual abuse by adults which includes teachers, uncles, aunts etc, and not allowing your kids to be free in expressing themselves and sharing whatever is bothering them with you are all safety related issues that can be solved just with a positive safety DNA, commitment of mums in acquiring safety knowledge and sharing effectively with their child. Remember, knowledge, they say is power! Reminds me of a story that was all over the social media early this year (January 25th, 2018) of a mum that ignored her daughter’s cry, who had a scorpion in her shoes, by the time she was dropping her off in school. These shows how key it is for mums to be safety-smart. According to the narrator of the story on www.informationng.com, the little girl started crying from home and when the mum was asked why she was crying, she said she was being naughty and was using leg pains as an excuse not to go to school. However, when the little girl wouldn’t stop crying, her teacher decided to remove her shoes, and see what was wrong only for a scorpion to fall out from her shoes. However, by this time, the child’s leg were already stiffened from the numerous stings it had received from the scorpion. Everyone is now praying the child survives, a prayer which we wouldn’t have needed to pray had the mum been safetysmart. A safetysmart mum pays good attention to details, and ensure her child is fine and not just being naughty or cranky before concluding. Many mums have lost their kids for not being SafetySmart. Don’t be one of them, get safetysmart today. Your child’s survival depends on it.