Safety-Smart Mum
Being a mother can be a tough job. From the baby’s conception to the baby’s delivery, growth through various stages of life and different housekeeping activities, there is a need for adequate safety orientation to successfully pass through these stages. All mums know that accidents, no matter how small, can lead to sleepless nights, injuries, bruises and tears.
At Safety-Smart Africa, we believe most domestic accidents are preventable, thus we organize quarterly trainings for Mums, wired at educating mums on life saving health, safety, quality and security tips. This program will equip participants with hands-on skill to protect their families from unforeseen and preventable incidents.
Safety-Smart Kids&Teens Club
This club is created to expose kids and teenagers to the world of safety, equip them with identifying gaps and getting them to become great safety ambassadors who will not only grow up to fill the present safety gaps in our system, but also intervene in their own little way from their young age.
The club focuses on topics ranging from safety, security , health, the environment , and the teaching with the backed up with hands-on activities such as drills, drama, poetry, music, debates etc. where kids can practice what they’ve learnt and how they hope to impact the society positively. Learn and advocate for safety
Safety-Smart School
According to Colin Powel, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure”. Schools are a great place for kids to learn how to successful in life. Aside being a place of learning, it should be conducive and safe for our children, not only in terms of its beauty and serenity, it should also be considered safe in the areas of security from threat and violence. It have a well prepared and documented emergency preparedness plan, safety policy, and the school should show great commitment to safety.
Safety-Smart Africa works with school to implement a positive safety culture by training both teaching and non-teaching staff on the basics of school safety as well as conducting bespoke trainings for management staff. We help schools design and implement safety policy, emergency procedures, and also carry out school inspection, execute audit and proffer solutions that would be of huge benefit to the students, workforce and visitors to the school premises.
Safety-Smart Street
In today’s world, where the street has gone from being safe to that which is of potentially high risk zone. With gun shooting today, terrorist attack tomorrow, hoodlums striking here and there, it is highly essential that we are equipped with skills on how to stay safe. The Safety-Smart street is an annual platform we use to educate the public and create awareness, organize training, workshops and seminars aimed at educating participants on how to stay safe on the street, buttressing on current happenings and how to effect behavioral changes as it applies to safety.
Safety-Smart Business
According to United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Statistics, every year approximately million employees are disabled at work globally. This means over 3 million people’s lives that are disrupted in an unthinkable way each year. This statistic showed that developing countries account for a larger percentage of this causalities due to the poor safety cultures, thus reinforcing the need to educate the third-world on necessary precautions and processes.
SafetySmart Africa is committed to teaching, educating and consulting for organizations in the area of quality health, security, safety and environment, so as to impact positively in the lives of workers, the employer, and their business profitability and in the overall, drive down the number of people that get disabled at work due to organizational poor safety culture.
An office should be safe and secure to all users. Their premises, properties, event, and operation should be coordinated in a way that it is not a threat/potential hazard to anyone, every time of the day, week and year.
Also, in a time like this when violence has become the order of the day, we train workers on how to respond to threats or any kind of emergency. We also have a detailed training Ushers and Greeters in religious organizations, highlighting their roles as regards the security concerns of the organization.
We help religious bodies establish a foundation for their security, and for those with one on ground, we carry out a pragmatic assessment/audit to establish the level of effectiveness of what is on ground in terms of healthcare and safety. We train their representatives on basic life-saving tips such as CPR, first aid etc.
We help them develop a safety policy, security checklist, procedures, emergency response plans, and even work permits for maintenance or construction works, coupled with bespoke safety training for their security and safety response team with respect to world best practice.
SafetySmart Leaders Training Package (SSLTP)
The commitment and dedication of the leadership of an organization, community or country goes a long way in determining the satisfaction of its workers, their safety performance, mortality rate, the living standards of the citizens, how much value they give to life, and their economic growth,
Leaders are saddled with the responsibility of establishing values, developing procedures, and enforcing accountability for their safety programs, which invariably goes a long way in determining the level of positive growth of their followers. SafetySmart training help leaders set the standards of safe behavior within their communities, companies or organizations by exemplifying and putting into operation a positive safety culture as we believe leadership is more than just managing one’s own safety behaviors. A true safety leader also motivates his or her coworkers to strive for minimal risk exposure.
SafetySmart Africa organizes safety leadership trainings for political leaders, head of parastatal, management team etc, educating participants and helping them defined process of interaction between leaders and followers, through which leaders can exert their influence on followers to achieve organizational safety goals.